If of English Literature, you are a connoisseur.
It is impossible to overlook the works of ‘William Shakespeare’,
Through poetry and drama, he earned his high repute,
The dead bard still reigns the literary world, without dispute.
‘Revenge’ is the underlying theme of ‘Othello’ and ‘Hamlet’,
A tribute to ‘Love’ is ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
His works depict a variety of human emotions,
After analyzing them, people express different views and notions.
Many say that he never wrote his plays,
His works remain exemplary no matter what the jealous cynic says.
Even though his life was short and strenuous,
No mortal can match his literary genius.
They say that good literature mirrors the contemporary world,
It reveals truths that are generally never told.
Shakespeare’s understanding of the world around him was astute,
Thus, of the literary world he still is the monarch, absolute.