The frightening finale of every academic session,
Is the savage ceremony called ‘Term End Examination’.
One can complacently contemplate a fine future,
By puking memorized data on paper.
Students suffer from immense stress and anxiety,
When examiners assume the role of God Almighty.
These sleep deprived and underpaid divinities,
Evaluate students’ retention capacity and decide their destiny.
Why care about understanding and knowledge,
When you just need to swallow and vomit unadulterated bookish garbage.
This complicated content, is magnanimously accepted and rewarded by our erudite examiners,
Who make toppers out of expert crammers.
Marks decide one’s future to a large extent,
Low grades have often throttled the hopes of many young talents.
This harrowing system of examination,
Is not meant for those with a vivid imagination.
Useless cramming machines, occupy responsible positions,
Why not? They have all the requisite qualifications.
The deserving degreeless, quietly do their work and take orders,
While the ivy-leaguers enjoy all the honours.
That a person’s intelligence, competence and knowledge gained,
Can be assessed by a written test, remains a mystery unexplained!
Yet every year examinations are conducted,
And many suicides committed.